This is a simple blend of solitaire, sudoku, and blackjack.

Feedback Form

Goal- Get the cards in each row and column to add up to 15, or as close as possible without going over.


  • Once a card is "placed" the card cannot be moved.
  • Cards have a mathematical operator on each side (top,botom,left,right) these operators interact with their neighbors such that if the two signs are the same the values will be added together, if they are different they will be subtracted from one another.
  • If the final score for a row or column is a negative number it will not affect the score.
  • Currently the operators are "+", "-", 
  • Calculations are done from left to right for rows, and from top to bottom for columns


  • Drag cards to the space in the grid you want them to occupy
  • the <- and -> buttons allow you to rotate the operators on the above card left and right .

Future Plans

  • Looking to use this as the game underlying a rouge-like deck-builder thus other rouge-like elements will be added
    • single use items
    • card effects
    • other multipliers
  • Card Combinations- my plan is to create a system for combining placed cards combining their values, and operators
  • Blocking out Card Slots- to accommodate changing deck sizes I plan to restrict the number of available slots
  • A score based progression system- basically beat a given score in order to move on-still working on exactly what this looks like (balatro's value and multiplier system comes to mind) but that's tbd.

QOL Improvements

  • Build 0.0.1
    • Scoring will not update until a row or column is full, previews were non-deterministic and confusing.
    • Operators removed from cards once they're placed to reduce visual noise.
    • Neutral Operators removed because they're effectively the same as plus operators.
  • Build 0.0.2
    • Added functionality for rotating the operators on 'cards' might be too strong
  • Build 0.0.3
    • Added card combining- in each slot you may combine up to two cards
    • Card combining meant that it wouldn't be uncommon for a row or column to be incomplete, the scoring method needed to be updated to solve for this issue.
    • Right now card combinations are in the game to lay the groundwork for future additions, but they do create an interesting mechanic.
  • Build 0.0.4 - temporarily taken down because tiles aren't functioning properly
    • This is a transitional build, mostly focused on adding some art and UI and implementing a proper progression system.
    • Also some small refactoring going on behind the scenes, trying to use more interfaces and modular. 
    • Blocking is currently disabled but combining is enabled.
    • Experimenting with different progression systems. Right now exploring a very Balatro-like system with increasing score thresholds each round
  • Build 0.0.5 
    • Another small transitional build, Tiles now accurately preview the effect that they'll have on operators
    • Scores now update live as you place tiles instead of when a collection is completed.
Updated 10 days ago
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreCard Game
Made withUnity
Tagscard, solitaire, sudoku


Download 11 MB

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